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Cloud Native Telco Solutions
Knowledge base and vendor solutions directory for Telcos embarking on the transformational journey to adopt Cloud Native computing architecture.
Expert Knowledge Network
Harnessing the leading minds of the Cloud and Telco industries, we fuse together the best insights from both to address:
Kubernetes and CNFs
The building blocks of virtualizing network functions and deploying to containerized infrastructure.
Microservices Architecture
Modernizing legacy applications to a modular suite of interoperating microservices.
Low Code DevOps
Speeding the development of new digital services through empowering developers with tools for agile coding.
Case Studies
Rakutan is Building the World’s First End-To-End, Fully Virtualized, Container-Based Cloud Native 5G Network.
How the Cloud Native Telco concept is being pioneered by visionaries like Laurent Leboucher, Group CTO for Orange.
Vodafone is embracing Cloud Native to transform from a Telco to a Techco and build a 5G and IoT digital ecosystem platform.
Documenting the new market capabilities enabled by Cloud Native architecture and service design.
Digital Service Innovation
The key strategic dynamic is that Cloud Native computing enables a capability for accelerated digital service innovation.
OTT Media Streaming
Streaming presents major challenges and opportunities for Telcos.
Edge Computing
Distributing data and applications to the network edge.
Private 5G
Utilizing 'network slicing' to offer private mobile networks.
The smart IoT will connect everything from robots to medical diagnostics.
Executive Insights
New product scenarios are explored through an ongoing research article series that documents market defining case studies.
From Telco to Techco - Transforming Network Providers for the Cloud Era
The Telco to Techco Journey for Telcos Represents a Wholesale Embrace of the Cloud Era.
Accelerating Telco Digital Transformation with Cloud Native OSS/BSS
Modernizing monolithic legacy OSS/BSS to an elastic, microservices-based architecture is central to the Cloud Native Telco journey.
Cloud Native OTT Media Streaming with Quickplay
The streaming industry presents major challenges and opportunities for Telcos.